The Adventures Continue
Its time for a the next road trip, dude! In fact, it is way overdue! Benjamin The Bus has been sitting anxiously in his garage, waiting...

Low Self-Esteem: The Enemy of Democracy
In "Adventures of Benjamin the Bus," Benjamin's self-esteem plummeted around other cars that were faster, fancier, or had the latest...

Spiritual Freedom: The Key to Feeling Free to Be Who You Really Are
Throughout the history of the Western World, people have been met with insurmountable challenges to have basic freedoms. Wars, social...

Moving Beyond 2016: The Year of Humility
We often mistakenly look to the outside world, especially political leaders, to save us. Whenever there's a presidential election, like...

Soul Food
Soul food comes in infinite varieties. All spiritual masters agree that “service” is one of the most delicious sources. As Maya Angelou...

The Soul's Agenda
In every moment, we make a choice to be true to our soul's calling or we move away from it. When we allow our soul to take charge, we...

What Would Love Do?
Asking this simple question may be the most important tool to staying happier, healthier, and much more effective in your daily life. In...

To Think or Not to Think
Can we think our way out of problems or think our way into happiness? This is one of the questions I asked myself before writing...

Hippie Slang
Born in the era of peace and love, part of Benjamin's hippie charm comes through in the slang he speaks. So what exactly is this hippie...

What Does Benjamin Learn on His Magical Adventure?
Benjamin learns important teachings from picking up hitchhikers from the highest spiritual realm: (1) Michael Jackson helps Benji...