Hippie Slang

Born in the era of peace and love, part of Benjamin's hippie charm comes through in the slang he speaks. So what exactly is this hippie slang he uses?
"A Gas" - Seriously fun
"Bone Yard" - Junk yard
"Dig It!" - You got it? Do you
"Drag" - Boring
"Dreamy" - Awesome
"Dude" - A Man
"Far Out!" - Very cool
"Flower Child" - Hippie
"Flower Power" - Passive resistance, peaceful opposition
"Freak Out" - Have anxiety attack, Lose control
"Foxy" - Beautiful
"Groovy" - Cool, Nice, Flowing well
"Outta Sight" - Awesome, Way cool
"Right On!" - I agree
"Righteous!" - Awesome, Out of this world
"Square" - Mainstream, Boring, Uncool, Establishment
"Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out" - Go within and follow your passions, Pay attention to your surroundings,
Don't get caught up in societal standards/Think for yourself
"Wiggin' Out" - Go crazy