The Soul's Agenda

In every moment, we make a choice to be true to our soul's calling or we move away from it. When we allow our soul to take charge, we find our purpose in life and discover the kingdom of heaven that Jesus speaks of. We feel bliss, joy, and renewal when he heed the call. We begin to feel depressed and the beginning of dis-ease sets in our body when we disregard it.
Our soul is always communicating to us through our heart, but we often neglect or ignore our heart for a multitude of reasons. The majority of these reasons are unconscious or outside our awareness, and are based on limiting beliefs we hold. These limiting beliefs arise out of experiences we have in the world. In every relationship, we develop certain emotional expectations and defenses to keep us safe. Internal loyalties to our family, the religion we were raised in, peer influences, or the needs of significant others may be operating under the surface. Our beliefs about our own worth play the greatest significance in whether we listen to our heart. We may not even feel like we deserve to make our dreams important. Some of us may even admit that we have gotten so good at tuning out our heart's cries that we have no idea what will bring us bliss. We stay in our heads, trying desperately to wrap our minds around it, only leading to more frustration and a sense of futility. We resort to looking outside of ourselves for what we think should make us feel happy, only to be constantly chasing what can never satisfy the misrecognition of our soul's agenda.
So what does the soul's agenda look like? Our soul is always receiving information from our higher self (the part of us that is aligned with the infinite creative consciousness) and is constantly guiding us in every choice we have to make. When we are around people who are heart-centered and allow their soul to influence all of their decisions, their zest for life is infectious and intoxicating. No matter their soul's calling, their drive and motivation to be true to their heart is unstoppable. We are mesmerized by their divine presence and want to be around them, inspired by all of the possibilities that they exude and the hope they instill.
In "Adventures of Benjamin the Bus," Benjamin saw this in Michael Jackson. Being so attuned to his higher self and the infinite consciousness, MJ sang with the voice of an angel and danced effortlessly as if moved along by a heavenly source:
"Above PCH, Michael moved his arms, hands, shoulders, and feet like a muralist on a scaffold, carefully leaving random strokes of paint. Up close, his movements seem to have no rhyme or reason, but from a far, they fit together magically like pieces of a puzzle. And once together, they took on a life of their own, as though some outside force moved him along on the strings of a marionette. MJ made love with his falsetto vocals, painting the sky with his robotic dance steps, and turning melodies into the most beautiful poetry."
Michael's presence made Benjamin feel that he could do anything he put his mind to. All he had to do was practice and try his best, and most importantly of all, believe!
As a psychologist, my enthusiasm for my work comes from fulfilling my own higher purpose of helping people discover who they are and helping them pay attention to their soul's agenda. It usually takes time to sort through the myriad of defenses and limiting beliefs that keep people stuck, depressed, and in self-destructive patterns, before they are able to finally give themselves permission to begin to listen to the call of their soul. What might seem like a simple task is actually tremendously hard if following the soul's agenda leads to disruption in relationships, changes in career, and in general, letting go of what no longer serves your soul's best interest.
It takes a lot of courage to live by the soul's agenda. This is the ultimate spiritual freedom!